9 Benefits of Running Downhill You Should Know
Runners enjoy the beautiful scenery as the air flows past their faces. After running for a while, some runners become tired and bored, and the beautiful experience becomes something else.
What can you do to boost your endurance to continue running?
Some runners suggest running downhill. While running downhill looks dangerous to some, it is the secret of many runners to help strengthen their legs.
What are the benefits of running downhill, and why should you run downhill? Here are nine excellent benefits:

1. Increases Leg Strength
If you have ever run downhill, you’d agree that your leg hits the ground with much more force than when you run uphill. This force can be very stressful and make your legs weak at first, but it can make your legs stronger when you get used to it.
Running downhill can quickly increase your leg strength, so when training for an endurance race, you should consider running downhill.
2. Increases Your Speed
How does running downhill increase your speed? You will know how it does when you try it for the first time.
With the help of gravity, you can cover a longer distance for a shorter time. This action requires a lot of energy and can stress your legs.
You’ll notice that you get tired quickly the first few times you run downhill. However, if you continue the exercise, your legs will strengthen and not get tired as quickly.
Would you like to run quickly? Try practicing by running downhill. Just make sure that you run carefully so that you do not fall.

3. Boosts Your Endurance
How would you like to run for a long distance without getting tired quickly? You should try running downhill.
Remember that running downhill can increase your leg strength. It can also increase your speed. This means that you can go a farther distance without getting tired.
Note that it is important not to exceed your endurance level while you run. While running, it is better to start small and improve slowly (but steadily) instead of exceeding your current level of endurance.
4. Helps You Adapt to Stress Better
Running downhill can cause micro-tears in your muscle fibers, leading to sore muscles. At first, you may be unable to walk freely as your thighs may feel heavy.
However, when you have recovered from this phase, you’ll notice that you can now easily withstand a lot of strenuous leg exercises that you previously could not.
Running downhill as an exercise is a training hack that can prevent you from quickly getting tired and stressed in a marathon or race.
5. Boosts Your Physique
Have you seen the legs and thighs of longtime runners? If you want to quickly develop that type of physique, you should consider running downhill.
Running downhill is a training hack that can get you in shape very quickly when compared to other types of exercises.
The way your legs hit the ground as you try to prevent over-striding is a form of exercise that will leave you smiling when you see your legs in the mirror. Note that this exercise is strenuous, so you should take it gently at first.
6. Helps You to Prevent Overstriding in the Long Run
Overstriding occurs when your try to land your feet too far in front of your center of gravity.
You can tell that you are overstriding when you do not land on the middle of your sole and land on the heel instead.
Overstriding can increase your chances of falling and also makes you tired quickly.
When you run downhill, there is a high chance that you will overstride for the first few times.
After running downhill multiple times, you can easily balance yourself to land on the middle region of your sole while running.
This also means that running downhill can help decrease your chances of falling when you run in a race.

7. Prepares You for the Next Race
The main reason you should run downhill is to prepare yourself for your next race.
Race competitions require a lot of endurance and strength. So if you feel that you need to boost those qualities, you should train by running downhill.
Make sure, however, that you do not run downhill just before your next race. Give yourself some time to rest properly before the big day of your marathon or race. We will discuss this later in this article.
8. It is Fun and Exciting
Well, many people love running downhill because it is fun and exciting. It’s exhilarating to run faster than usual because gravity gives you a push.
This fun should not carry you away as it can hurt you, so make sure that you only run downhill when you need to.
9. Keeps You in Good Health and Shape
It does not matter if you are running for fun, exercise, or find yourself running downhill; you will indeed become healthier and get in shape.
People who exercise regularly have a lower chance of getting sick. They also tend to heal quickly from various diseases, so you should walk, jog, or run downhill.
Note that in terms of good health, running uphill is as important as running downhill, so you should combine both forms of exercise for optimum results.
Now you know a lot of reasons why you should run downhill. Would you like to run downhill? Continue reading for some tips.

Helpful Tips for Running Downhill
Now you know why you should run downhill. If you’d love to run downhill, please make use of the tips below:
1. Start on Softer Surfaces
Remember that it is very easy for your legs to feel a more significant force when running downhill. To prevent your legs from weakening quickly, you should start running downhill on softer terrain.
Such forgiving surfaces include grass and trails. Make sure that you wear suitable running shoes to cushion the impact on your legs.
After mastering how to run on softer surfaces, you can find downhill locations with harder surfaces. Just make sure that you are extra careful.
2. Run Downhill on Hills with a Shallow Grade
This is a safety precaution. You should run downhill with hills that have a grade of 3%-8%. Do not run downhill on hills with grades higher than 8%.
If you run downhill on very steep hills, the chance of falling or overstriding is high. You can hurt yourself, and it is not safe.
You do not need to exercise with very steep hills as the cons exceed the pros.
3. Try Not to Overstride
Overstriding can hurt you and give you injuries, so you should run safely. When you notice that you are going too fast, you should reduce your speed.
Also, do not get carried away by fun and excitement. Please consider your health and safety always.
4. Run Downhill Once or Twice Weekly
While running downhill is a form of exercise, just like running uphill, you should not run downhill more than two times weekly as you need time to rest.
You should make sure that you rest your muscles properly before going back to running downhill.
5. Maintain a Proper Uphill-Downhill Running Ratio
If you choose to run uphill and downhill, note that you should balance the amount of time you spend at each.
Remember that you need to rest after you exercise, so do not try to run a downhill course immediately after an uphill session.
6. Stop Running Downhill Before Your Race
If you have a major race coming up, you should stop running downhill 2-3 weeks before the race.
Remember that you need plenty of rest after running downhill as it requires a lot of your energy and can cause microscopic tears in your muscles.
Make sure that you have enough rest before your next race or marathon.

7. Warm Up Before You Start Running Downhill
You should warm-up before you start running downhill so that you do not shock your muscles. Warming up also helps you to recover quickly from stress.
After running uphill, you should jog for about 20 minutes before running downhill. Remember to rest after running as well.
Please make use of these tips so that you can enjoy the benefits of running downhill.
Final Thoughts
Running downhill has a lot of benefits, but you need to be careful so that you do not hurt yourself. If there are suitable locations near you, consider adding downhill runs to your training program to boost your leg strength and endurance.
- https://www.fastrunning.com/training/workouts-sessions/running-downhill-benefits-and-training-sessions/8579
- https://coachdebbieruns.com/tips-for-running-downhill/
- https://training4endurance.co.uk/downhill-running-training/
- https://blog.mapmyrun.com/how-downhill-repeats-can-make-you-a-better-runner/
- https://blog.mapmyrun.com/everything-need-know-running-downhill/